Coin Master: Boom Levels After 200
The basis to decide on boom villages is that they give you the most coins and best cards, which are superior to other levels. Due to this, it is advised that players spend their time on those levels and earn as much profit as they can. So far, 59 levels of boom villages have been discovered. And none of them are above level 200. So, we have to dishearteningly inform you that there are no boom villages after 200 at the time of writing this article. But we will keep on updating the list and add boom levels or villages above 200 as soon as we get them. Meanwhile, you can utilize this list of boom villages below level 200.
5: Far East 7: Sunny Hawaii 10: Atlantis 13: Arabian Nights 15: Wild West 17: Jungle 20: The Arctic 22: Candy Land 27: Columbus 30: India 34: Dragon Lair 35: Greek Land 37: The Wizard 40: Area 51 45: Musketeers 47: Theme Park 49: Hell 50: Easter 51: Japan 55: Jurassic Ville 57: Mongolia 60: Robin Hood 61: Deep-Sea 62: Don Quixote 65: Olympus 75: Unicorn 79: Tin Soldier 83: Car Racing 87: Baba Yaga 90: King Arthur 93: Caribbean Resort 95: Egyptian Pyramids 98: Milky Way 102: Goblin Ghetto 105: Circus 107: Golf Course 110: Rice Farmer 112: Irish Craic 115: Aztec 117: Ice Queen 122: Tennis 125: Witches 127: Zanzibar 130: Argentina 135: Gymnastics 136: New York 138: Punk Rock 140: Rio 141: Space Pirate 142: Mech Workshop 143: Jocke & Jonna 146: Monkey Kingdom 149: Hercules 151: Bakershop 152: Billiard 153: Noah’s Ark 157: Ice Age 168: Centaure 175: Babylon
In this article, you learned about the boom levels after 200 in Coin Master. If you are looking for more such lists. Check out the building cost and island cost.